Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Council Meets

Monday, September 7, 2009
House Dromian Finds A Home

The station seems quite functional, with multiple TARDIS landing spots, transmat system, and even an Alteran wormhole transport system (otherwise known as a Stargate). While not exactly stocked on furnishings, it does offer splendid views from the various balconies and walkways.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dark Tidings
The renegades composing the new House Scendles reared their heads, or at least head, as well. Their 'Cardinal' a being known as The Jinn, showed up early on, demanding his seat on the council and practically demanding the presidency itself! Of all the nerve... And his general rudeness to just about everyone there, especially Ms. Lightfoot, nearly had some of us about to test what effect a sonic device on maximum could do to an organic brain... Still, under our own rules, we were forced to acknowledge his seat, and his candidacy for President, though given that both Cardinal Gears and Castellan Solis are running against him...and the fact that just about all the Cardinals present seemed to...dislike him, I doubt his chances.
On a more positive note, the council agreed almost unianimously on the ratification of the new laws of time (ALMOST unanimously because shortly after demanding his seat, The Jinn left, thus abstaining on his vote by default. Heh). Also a more formal alliance with the Timeforce 10 was discussed and agreed upon by those members of that organization present. However Counciler Mornington still wishes to vote on the possible reformation of the CIA at the next meeting. Given recent events, I plan to put my support behind this, even if I have no actual voting power. Something must be done about the Daleks before this erupts into another Time War...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Catching Up After a Snag
You see, I'd decided to pay a visit to a space station I used to visit, only to find that it had been recently destroyed when the system its was in suffered a supernova. Unfortunately...I had no way of knowing and by the time I had used my gate to dial into the nearby space gate, the star had collapsed into a black hole. Luckily, I was able to compensate for the potentially disastrous consequences of connecting to such a gate, but unfortunately was initially unable to disengage my gate. This resulted in the wormhole 'tethering' the 85, leaving me suspended in the vortex 'near' those space/time coordinates. Luckily I was able to eventually break the connection, but it took me a while to rig up the appropriate device to generate the energy required. I am also happy to report that I later learned that the station's residents escaped prior to the disaster and are planning to rebuild elsewhere.
One free I made a stopover at the Cardiff reproduction to catch my breath and update my information. It seems the situation with the Daleks may be coming to a head. Another development is it seems that Councilor Mornington's created a new location that seems to double as a location he can work...away from prying eyes. I really should reinforce my support for him the next time we meet. Though I'm not sure about his pro-C.I.A. tendencies, I do support his criticism of the council's policies, and would like to help his acitivities, since my own house seems to be sloth in any activity whatsoever...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Office Space

On another note, I took the time to review some of the public logs of my fellow time lords, and I also share Councilor Mornington's concerns about the growning Dalek threat. ...I haven't yet talked to Ms. Knight about my concerns, given the result of our last conversation about the Daleks, but I suppose I should let her know about the developments.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Obolensky Defeated

Though I wasn't able to witness, later news came in that the Doctor later perished while attempting to use his giant 'clank' automation named Lord Smashington, in a possible last attempt to regain control. Apparently the clank exploded, though no body was found. Still, things seem to be quieting down here at the moment, so I guess this means I'll be moving on to more interesting areas as well...after I stop by Zenobia Altera for a drink that is.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Events Heat Up In New Babbage
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ah well...

In other events, I took the liberty of purchasing a suit from one of the many fine shops in the city, as the jacket and shit that were part of it went smashingly with my waistcoat and scarf. Here I am showing of its smashingness next to one of the many Smashy clank guards.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Lead from the Library

Monday, June 22, 2009
Missing Machine, Present Luck
We had a...tense exchange of words before she continued on, and things might have ended there had Mr. Merrik, one of Obolensky's minions, not been following them. Concerned, I followed HIM, until I was accidental spotted. We had a tense standoff of Sonic blaster vs. projectile pistol for a while, before Ms. Knight showed up again. Talking our way out of that, we compared notes. It seemed she had attracted the attention of Mr. Merrik by asking questions about the current regime change.
I filled her in on the possibility of Obolensky possessing time travel, and she suggested doing a tachyon scan. Unfortunately, due to the presence of devices known as Reality Enforcers, this was not possible, so she then suggested a search of the doctor's lair. So, for a third time, I paid him a visit. However, he was not home, but nor was there any sign of the time machine. I wisely voiced that we should leave before the doctor or his minions returned...however instead of returning using the passage we had taken to get to the observatory, she and Chris blundered out the front door, almost right into Kuroe! Though I don't think he bought her story about being shipwrecked, if only because of my presence, we did manage to get out of there unscathed, and I had K9 bring the 85 to us so we could make a clean getaway. Aboard the 85, Ms. Knight agreed to help me try and find information on the missing time machine, whether it was recovered after the theft, if it was destroyed, or if it simply never worked. Until this has been known one way or the other, I cannot in good conscious leave it be.
Wrong Again?
Later, I again subtly listened in as she did a professional interview of the general for the newspaper she worked for, gaining a bit of history behind the takeover, though nothing useful on the current plans...other than they will be horrible. Still...as much as I would like to take an active part in overthrowing this dictator, I cannot act without cause on my part. My immediate plans are to seek out the resistance, as well as to research into the matter of the time machine theft.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Continued Investigations
In the Lair of Dr. Obolensky

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friends and Enemies.
...And I suppose I'd better start at the beginning again.
A week or so ago, Ms. Knight, myself, and one of her companions visited Vahlkri, site of what will eventually be the new Dalek base of operation. Well, I say it like we went together, but really I followed her after she informed me she was going to make sure she didn't get in over her head. Luckily for us, the complex was unoccupied at the time...save for an Emporer Dalek in stasis.
As bad as discovering a Dalek presence in the dimension was...it seems to have more of a negative effect on Ms. Knight. She seems to have become obsessed with destroying the Daleks, and this new base specifically, regardless of the possible consequences. She refuses to see that an all out attack, no matter how total, would more than likely reignite the time war. Despite the fact that the council has been monitoring the situation, we do not know what the Dalek's forces are. The base we examined was empty, saying to me that the Daleks are elsewhere while they wait for it to be finished...where and how many, those are the unknown, and key factors.
...I admit that I didn't help matters by comparing her to a Dalek (though at the time she WAS sounding scarily like one of them.) Needless to say our...'discussion' went downhill from there, but was interrupted when the 85 suddenly decided to make a hard landing on New Gallifrey itself. Surprisingly enough, there we encountered Shalmendo Glineux, a...construct and servant of the old Gallifrey council, and current owner and keeper of the experimental 150. However, due to his nature, Shal has been reluctant to even visit New Gallifrey, in fear that he would once more become a slave of Time Lords, something Ms. Knight and I repeatedly tried to assure him would not happen, so it was a bit of a surprise to see him. We also encountered Cardinal Mechagliel of the Patrexean chapter.
Shal and I left ms. Knight to once again ask for an attack on the Daleks while we went to see to repairs to the 85...which turned out not to need any, tricky thing. Afterwords, I had a small talk with the Cardinal about my concerns for Ms Knight before we all went seperate ways, though I had to...order Shal to leave before he started tounge washing boots...
In other news, I'm nearly finished with the K-9 unit, with the exception of some minor testing, so it will be places in the console room soon.
A Brief Tour
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Up And Running
Most importantly, the Infinity Chamber was restored to functional status, allowing me to start recording my logs again, though I discovered my pre-war entries had been corrupted or lost. Luckily, my exploration database was intact. Though it serves as a grim reminder to all that was lost, either due to the war or simply because of our exile into this world, I am gratified to know that the records survived.
Among the new additions I have added during the regeneration, I installed a stargate device. Initially I had difficulties with it, as the gate was unable to function properly while the 85 was in flight, and required recalibration before use even once I landed. However, I was able to overcome these difficulties by connecting the gate to a spare time rotor, stabilizing its point of origin...as well as tying it into the 85's power directly. Additionally, with the help of R2-Z5, a robotic maintenance unit I picked up at a shop owned by one Citizen D, I have begun constructing a watchdog for the console room. Literally. I discovered the schematics for this K9 unit while reviewing some of my records for damage. Its capabilities are impressive, so I am sure it will be as an effective means of defense of the main entrance as the stargate's shield system is for it.
Begin Log - A Brief Recap
Hmm...well since it seems all my personal logs were damaged or lost when the Infinity Chamber was damaged during the crossing, I suppose I'll have to start from scratch. Where to begin...
Well, to start, my name is Lans Starsider.

I'm what you would some beings would know as a Time Lord, though I barely look it anymore... I used to be...a scout or explorer from the planet Galifrey, charting the Galaxy in my vehicle and home: a Type 85 TARDIS. A TARDIS is...well I suppose in simplest terms, it is a space/time capsule, capable of traveling through space and time. The TYPE 85 was designed primarily for long term, one man exploration missions, a mission profile I relished.
Then came the war... It was a time war, fought over control of the timelines themselves, against a race of evil mutant creatures known as Daleks. Knowing what they were, I unhestiantly joined in the fight against them...at least a first. But then things escalated, costing untold lives, and it was then that I saw how far the council would go in the name of victory...
So...I fled. At great risk I used my TARDIS to break through the dimensional barriers into this world, causing sever damage to it. Then in a further effort to hide, I triggered my own regeneration...my first actually, using a device known as a chameleon arch to...tamper with the process, introducing non-timelord DNA patterns into the process, thus taking on the form I have now.

For a while, I maintained a low profile, exploring this new world. I found several locations where I was able to refuel the 85, allowing it to start its own regeneration and begin repairs. However, I soon found that I was not the only Time Lord or Gallifreyan to survive. I also discovered that Gallifrey, as well as any others of our race who had not fled or otherwise come here...had been destroyed. The guilt of this news...though I feel I did the right thing, I can't help but wonder if it would have made some sort of difference...
In any case, I soon discovered that a new Panopticon had been constructed...on a New Gallifrey, and that a new Time Lord council was being formed. Though having seen the ugly side of the original council, I am aware that these are not the same people, thus I am inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Thus I have joined the new House Dromeian, a house whose members, timelord or no, have forms similar to myself. Despite any misgivings I may have, it is a pleasant feeling to be a part of Gallifreyan civilization once more, changed though it may be.