Things seem to be comming to a close, at least for now, in New Babbage. Earlier today, a naval force made of up units from Steehead, Caledon, Steeltopia, and the New Babbage Militia engaged the Imperial Obolenskidonian Navy in a pitched battle just off shore from the Doctor's Observatory Island. Though his own forces fought valiantly, even managing to sink the Caledonian Force's flagship, they were eventually overwhelmed and pushed back. The Alliance's leaders demanded Obolensky's surrender, but the the Doctor managed to escape.

Though I wasn't able to witness, later news came in that the Doctor later perished while attempting to use his giant 'clank' automation named Lord Smashington, in a possible last attempt to regain control. Apparently the clank exploded, though no body was found. Still, things seem to be quieting down here at the moment, so I guess this means I'll be moving on to more interesting areas as well...after I stop by Zenobia Altera for a drink that is.
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